marketing book podcast

The Content Code: Six Essential Strategies To Ignite Your Content, Your Marketing, and Your Business by Mark Schaefer


Mark Schaefer is a globally-recognized blogger, speaker, educator, business consultant, and author who blogs at one of the top marketing blogs in the world …{}

Mark has worked in global sales, PR, and marketing positions for nearly 30 years and now provides consulting services via his firm, Schaefer Marketing Solutions.

Mark has advanced degrees in marketing and organizational development. He enjoys teaching social media marketing courses and is a faculty member of the graduate studies program at Rutgers University and has lectured at many universities including Oxford and Princeton.

He is a popular public speaker and has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Wired, Forbes, Fortune, CBS News, and many other global media outlets.

Mark is the author of four other best-selling marketing books, which are Social Media Explained (’s #1 selling social media book in 2014), Return On Influence, Born to Blog, and the best-selling book on Twitter in the world: The Tao of Twitter.

Mark is also the co-host of The Marketing Companion Podcast along with Tom Webster from Edison Research.

The Host’s Perspective:

Okay, here’s the problem that this book will help you solve.

The landrush of publishing content on the Internet is over. One could argue that there was a brief “build it and they will come” era as it related to simply hitting the publish button and having the search engines deliver your content to lots of the right people. Those are already the good old days.

In a short period of time, content marketing has gone from a content land rush to a content arms race. This concept was introduced in Mark Schaefer’s blog in 2014 where he coined the term “Content Shock.”

To get found now, Companies still have to publish epic content, but they also have to ignite it. In the Content Code, Mark Schaefer provides the six strategies needed to ignite your content.

And if there’s one phrase that describes The Content Code, it’s badass. And I’m not just saying that because Mark Schaefer wears a lot of black and is a Steeler fan.

If you want to find out why the Content Code is so brilliantly badass, you need to buy the book and read the first 40 pages. And that’s all I’m going to say.

Listen to the interview:

Show Notes

The Content Code: Six essential strategies to ignite your content, your marketing, and your business by Mark Schaefer

Content Shock: Why content marketing is not a sustainable strategy

Shonali Burke


  • Brand development
  • Audience and influencers
  • Distribution, Advertising, promotion, and SEO
  • Authority
  • Shareability embedded into each piece of content
  • Social proof and social signals

Mark Schaefer and Douglas Burdett

Mark Schaefer, Douglas Burdett and a few of Mark’s many books. 

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