marketing book podcast

The Customer Copernicus: How to be Customer-Led by Charlie Dawson and Seán Meehan

The Marketing Book Podcast: “The Customer Copernicus: How to be Customer-Led” by Charlie Dawson

About the Book

Some companies are great for customers – they care and change whole markets to work better for the customers they serve.

Think of Amazon, easyJet and Sky. They make things easier and improve what matters – obvious, surely?

They have also enjoyed huge business success, growing and making plenty of money.

The Customer Copernicus answers the following question: if it’s obvious and attractive, why is it so rare?

And then it answers a second question because Tesco, O2, and Wells Fargo were like this once. Why, having mastered it, would you ever stop?

Because all three did, and two ended up in court.

The Customer Copernicus explains how to become and how to stay customer-led.

Essential reading for leaders and teams who want their organizations to stay competitive by developing a more purposeful and innovative culture.

About the Author

Charlie Dawson is the founder of The Foundation, a London-based consultancy established in 1999 to help organizations become customer-led to generate more decisive and sustained commercial success. He started his career in advertising.

And, interesting fact – he earned an engineering degree from The University of Cambridge!

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Listen to the Interview…


Charlie Dawson & Jan Matejko's portrait of Copernicus

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