marketing book podcast

The Professional Marketer: Everything You Need To Know But Were Never Taught by Tim Matthews


Tim Matthews is a Silicon Valley marketing executive who has worked in high tech for twenty years and managed marketing teams at six companies. He writes and speaks frequently about technology, marketing, and their intersection.

The Host’s Perspective:

The idea for the book, Professional Marketer, is based on The Professional Chef. That book is the classic culinary reference that many of America’s top chefs have used to understand basic skills and standards for quality as well as develop a sense of how cooking works. The Professional Marketer is to the marketer what The Professional Chef is to the chef.

Tim actually wanted to buy this book, but he couldn’t find it. So, he wrote it. This happened one day after answering a pretty basic question from a senior marketing staff member. He noticed that most marketers don’t have much training. Some get on-the-job training but lots of marketers are thrown into that role and have to fend for themselves. This leads to a narrow and limited understanding of marketing. That’s where this book comes in.

The Professional Marketer covers the minimum set of skills a marketer needs to master to be considered a professional marketer. If I were a CEO, I would buy one copy of for myself, and everyone in my marketing department. (Some companies are doing this.) Then, if you don’t read anything else in the book, read the first chapter. It’s one of the best explanations of what marketing actually is and how it it grows revenue.

Listen to the interview:

Show Notes:

The Professional Marketer by Tim Matthews

The Professional Chef

The Professional Marketer (Kickstarter)

Peter Drucker

Ted Levitt

Crossing the Chasm, 3rd Edition (Collins Business Essentials) by Geoffrey Moore

Being Direct Making Advertising Pay by Les Wunderman

Are Today’s Marketers Tomorrow’s CEOs? (Forbes)

Tested Advertising Methods (Prentice Hall Business Classics) by John Caples

The King of Vodka (P.S.) by Linda Himelstein

Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content by Ann Handley

Whiteboard Friday (Moz)

Unbounce (Blog)

The Call To Action Podcast (Unbounce)


Matthews On Marketing (Tim Matthews’ blog)

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