marketing book podcast

Chief Customer Officer 2.0: How to Build Your Customer-Driven Growth Engine by Jeanne Bliss


Jeanne Bliss is the Founder and President of CustomerBliss, and the Co-Founder of The Customer Experience Professionals Association. 

Jeanne pioneered the role of the Chief Customer Officer, holding the first ever CCO role at Lands’ End, Microsoft, Coldwell Banker and Allstate. Reporting to each company’s CEO, she moved the customer on to the strategic agenda, redirecting priorities to create transformational changes to each brand’s customer experience.

She has driven achievement of 95 percent loyalty rates, improving customer experiences across 50,000-person organizations.

Jeanne is also the author of the bestseller “I Love You More than My Dog: Five Decisions that Drive Extreme Customer Loyalty in Good Times and Bad.”

She is a highly sought after speaker, keynoting high profile conferences and corporate events. She has appeared in major media outlets including Fast Company, Forbes, MSNBC and The Associated Press.


The Host’s Perspective:

More and more marketing books and the really smart people who write them will tell you that the last available differentiator that will grow your business is the experience that your customers have with you.

Think about it. Most products and services are at parity now. Pricing is more competitive than ever. And even the best marketing will only help to get customers to try you once.  And that’s because if the experience your customers have with you is a bad one, they will not return. And, they’ll tell the world on social media and review sites to stay away from you. But if your customers have a great experience and you delight them, they will remain loyal customers and tell others.  And that is the most powerful marketing – studies show that people trust word of mouth recommendations from friends (and even strangers) much more than what a company says about itself.

As a result, smart, growth-oriented companies are carefully engineering the entire experience that their customers have. And as easy as it is to say that, it’s really complicated to do. But it can be done and when done properly it can have a dramatic effect on a company’s growth. In “Chief Customer Officer 2.0” Jeanne Bliss walks you through precisely how to do it.

The book has lots of examples of companies that have broken through and refocused their business on customers. And the linchpin of success is getting management buy-in by showing the math used to measure and hold all the different silos accountable for the customer experience.

A lot of companies think they are customer oriented, but they’re not. The book shows you how to honestly diagnose the level of customer orientation and then how to reverse engineer that feedback to constantly improve and measure your progress and how that translates into dollars, cents, profits and growth.

This book should be on every smart CEOs reading list. 

Listen to the Interview:


Show Notes:

“Chief Customer Officer 2.0: How to Build Your Customer-Driven Growth Engine” by Jeanne Bliss

“In Search of Excellence” by Thomas J. Peters and Robert H., Jr. Waterman

“Moments of Truth” by Jan Carlzon

“The Velveteen Rabbit” by Margery Williams and William Nicholson

Jeanne’s Website (

Jeanne’s Twitter (@JeanneBliss)

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