marketing book podcast

Ideas, Influence, and Income: Write a Book, Build Your Brand, and Lead Your Industry by Tanya Hall

Tanya Hall is the CEO of Greenleaf Book Group, the first hybrid publisher.

Having worked closely with retailers while building Greenleaf’s sales and distribution channels, Tanya knows first-hand how the power of a book can be amplified through a strong author brand–and, in turn, how a brand can be amplified by a book.

She writes regularly on personal branding, leadership, and the publishing industry for and hosts the podcast “Published,” which guides authors through all areas of publishing.

Interesting fact: before joining the publishing industry, Tanya worked in Hollywood as a television producer.

The Host’s Perspective:

We live in the information age, and with that comes information overload.

People are inundated with interruptive sales calls and other unwelcome marketing message cluttering their mailboxes, email accounts, and televisions.

People are tuning out. Direct mail ends up in the trash, emails are deleted without being opened, and buying radio or television air time is too expensive unless you’ve got the big bucks.

So how can an expert or visionary break through the clutter, spread an idea, and connect with an audience? The answer: Write a book.

Tanya Hall knows a thing or two about publishing a book. She’s the CEO of Greanleaf Book Group, a publishing company with over 35 New York Times and Wall Street Journal best sellers.

The book reflects the author’s simple framework she uses to help authors get the most out of publishing a book. The pillars of that framework are the three themes that make up the title of the book: 1) Ideas, 2) Influence and 3) Income.

The book is specifically designed to support nonfiction authors intending to use their own book to support a bigger brand effort.

But the concepts outlined in the book also apply to authors who have already written a book but aren’t sure how to launch it–and even those who have launched a book with lackluster results and are looking for a resource to breathe new life into their book’s performance.

This book is for authors who intend to get the most leverage possible out of the blood, sweat and tears that go into writing a book and launching a big idea.

Listen to the Interview:


Show Notes

Ideas, Influence, and Income (Book Link)

Tanya Hall’s Book Website

Greenleaf Book Group

Tanya Hall (LinkedIn)

Tanya Hall (Twitter)

Greenleaf Book Group (Twitter)

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