marketing book podcast

UnSelling: The New Customer Experience by Scott Stratten and Alison Kramer


Scott Stratten is the President of Un-Marketing. He is an expert in Viral, Social, and Authentic Marketing which he calls Un-Marketing.

He was named one of the top 5 social media influencers in the world on and one of “America’s 10 Marketing Gurus” by Business Review USA which is even more exceptional because he’s Canadian.

With his wife Alison Kramer, he has written three other best-selling business books: “The Book of Business Awesome,” “UnMarketing,” and what in my opinion is the best marketing book title in the history of the printed word, “QR Codes Kill Kittens: How to Alienate Customers, Dishearten Employees, and Drive Your Business into the Ground.”

Scott and Alison are also hosts of the Unpodcast, where they talk about the week’s brand blunders and train wrecks, send climbers up Moron Mountain, and even share the occasional good story or two.

Scott has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post, USA Today, Entrepreneur Magazine,,, Fast Company and now The Marketing Book Podcast.


You ever wonder how some book get reviews before the book has been released? Here is one way 🙂 We got 14 of them. Last chance to pre-order it because these 14 people can’t be wrong? Right?? Right??

Posted by UnMarketing on Tuesday, September 23, 2014


The Host’s Perspective:

If you’ve ever wondered why it’s so difficult for some companies to make a sale, it’s because the purchase transaction is just about the ONLY thing they are focused on. Companies have become blind to customer service, support, branding, experiences, and even product quality.

The truth is that these days if companies would focus more on everything before and after the transaction, making the sale becomes easier. Sixty percent of a purchasing decision is made before a customer even contacts you. Why do they wait so long to contact you? Because they can.

They can find out nearly everything else about you and your product from the Internet, review sites and talking to friends (and even strangers) on social media. And after the sale, your customers can take to the Internet to sing your praises or tear you apart.

UnSelling is about the big picture: creating repeat customers, not one-time buyers; creating loyal clients that refer others, not treating people like faceless numbers; becoming the go-to company for a product or service, before people even need it.

One other thing. I read a lot of marketing and sales books, and this book is the most entertaining one I’ve read. At times the book had me crying from laughing so hard. Seriously, my wife came upstairs and said “what is the matter with you?”

Listen to the Interview:


Show Notes:

UnSelling: The New Customer Experience by Scott Stratten and Alison Kramer

The Mobile Commerce Revolution by Tim Hayden and Tom Webster (Marketing Book Podcast interview)

Evergreen by Noah Fleming (Marketing Book Podcast Interview)

Hug Your Haters by Jay Baer

Dealstorming by Tim Sanders

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Scott’s Podcast (

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