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The Sticking Point Solution: 9 Ways to Move Your Business from Stagnation to Stunning Growth in Tough Economic Times by Jay Abraham

About the Author

As Founder and CEO of The Abraham Group, Inc. (Los Angeles, California), Jay has spent his entire career solving complex problems and fixing underperforming businesses. He has significantly increased the bottom lines of over 10,000 clients in more than 1,000 industries.

Jay is also the author of Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got: 21 Ways You Can Out-Think, Out-Perform, and Out-Earn the Competition.

About the Book

Businesses can plateau, stall, or stagnate…without the owners or key executives even realizing it. A business might be achieving incremental year-on-year growth and yet still be in a situation of stagnation or stall. Why? Because entrepreneurs and executives often focus on the wrong things and don’t know how to solve the problems that get their businesses stuck.

The purpose of The Sticking Point Solution is to help entrepreneurs and executives recognize the ways in which their businesses may be stuck, and to then give them tools for getting unstuck and enjoying exponential growth.

To achieve this, Jay will help you to identify the nine “sticking points.” They are:

  1. Stuck losing out to competitors instead of taking the lead in their marketplaces.
  2. Stuck at low levels of sales instead of selling wisely and selling more.
  3. Stuck with erratic sales volume instead of thinking strategically and systematically about their businesses
  4. Stuck failing to strategize instead of managing their efforts wisely.
  5. Stuck with high overhead and costs instead of leveraging the assets of other companies, including the competition.
  6. Stuck with doing more of what doesn’t work instead of innovating and trying new approaches.
  7. Stuck by getting marginalized and commoditized in the marketplace instead of becoming distinctive in their fields.
  8. Stuck with antiquated, mediocre marketing instead of using what works today.
  9. Stuck trying to do everything themselves instead of leveraging the talents of other individuals and organizations.


Whether businesses are afflicted by one, two, or all nine of these sticking points listed above, the result is the same: the owners, executives, or entrepreneurs are not achieving all of the growth, success, and prosperity they deserve. Unlocking that true potential is the impetus for The Sticking Point Solution.

Listen to the Interview…


Jay Abraham (website)

Jay Abraham (Wikipedia)

Jay Abraham (LinkedIn)

The Sticking Point Solution: 9 Ways to Move Your Business from Stagnation to Stunning Growth by Jay Abraham (Click here to download Free PDF of book)

Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got by Jay Abraham (Click here to download Free PDF of book)

Claude Hopkins (Wikipedia)

John Caples (Advertising Hall of Fame)

7 Lessons From Eugene Schwartz to Make You a Better Copywriter (Medium)

David Ogilvy (Wikipedia)

Victor O. Schwab: In 1958 A Marketing Legend Revealed These Secrets For Creating Powerful Headlines (Marketing Insider Group)

Stephen M. R. Covey (website)

The SPEED of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything by Stephen M. R. Covey (Amazon)

Smart Trust: The Defining Skill that Transforms Managers into Leaders by Stephen M. R. Covey (Amazon)

Indiana Jones Shoots Swordsman


Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got: The Jay Abraham Story (2019 Documentary)

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